Message of Greetings: Todor Zhivkov – President of the State Council of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
Message of Greetings: Carmen Romano de Lopez Portillo – President of the Patronage of the Patronage of the National System for the all-round development of the family
Message of Greetings: Kurt Waldheim – Secretary–General of the United Nations
Message of Greetings: Cardinal Casaroli - Secretary of State
Message of Greetings: Amadou-Mahtar M’Bow - Director- General of UNESCO
Message of Greetings: Estefania Aldaba-Lim – Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Special Ambassador to the United Nations
International Children’s Assembly “Banner of Peace” Diplomas
International Children’s Assembly “Banner of Peace” Postages stamps
Ticket for the Singing Train "Banner of Peace”
Letter of Gratitude: Estefania Aldaba-Lim - Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Special Ambassador to the United Nations